Welcome to Imagine That – a place to consider the real issues in today’s world and discuss ways of leaving it in a better state for future generations.
Globalisation, marginalisation and Brexit
“Votes for Brexit and for Mr Trump were often cast as an expression of anger at a system that seems rigged. Unless policymakers grapple seriously with the problem of regional inequality, the fury of those voters will only increase.” The Economist, 21 October 2017 (1) The massive disparity between the rich and the poor in …
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Brexit- the will of the people?
Accepting the referendum results as ‘the will of the people’ is like accepting a miscarriage of justice when we know the accused is innocent, the prosecution lied to the jury, and the defence were asleep throughout the trial. Just because the jury found the accused guilty by a split majority does not make it the …
Parliament grossly derelict in it’s duties
On 3rd June 2015 the government published a briefing paper explaining the EU Referendum. This paper made it clear that the EU referendum would be advisory only and non-binding on Parliament and government. “This Bill requires a referendum to be held on the question of the UK’s continued membership of the European Union (EU) before …
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